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Dubai Park Competition
Dubai, UAE
  • Project Date: Concept Competition Jan 2018
  • Project Status: Competition Entry, no further development
  • Vero Client: Confidential

Vero were approached to participate in a competition to provide a landscape design submission for a unique park which formed part of a large scale masterplan development in Dubai. Vero adopted a bold approach for the competition and put forward a design to challenge the norms. The design included a significant changes in topography across the site and the landscape design was underpinned by the concept of hills.

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The landscape was to act as the focal point of the development and would be divided into a series of different zones. These zones would be strategically located within the topographical landform throughout the park and create a series of linked landscape spaces. Zip lines, slides and toboggan tracks would look at unique ways of resolving the level change and also add a playful element into the landscape.
